Friday, July 4, 2008


I will be leaving on Sunday July 6th for a weeklong camping trip. During which time I will not be able to access the internet and therefore I will not be able to moderate comments or post anything new. Do not be alarmed if this blog is dormant for a while…I'll be back soon!

Miss S.


  1. Hello Miss S. Browsing the girls from the modesty pledge...I enjoyed your post on a Lady's Heart. Have fun camping! Blessings, Abigail

  2. Hello Miss S, I hope you have a nice time camping! I thought your previous post on respect and honor was very well-written. You used a great illustration! I look forward to your return to blogging when your trip is over. :-)



Feel free to leave a comment. I have chosen to moderate all comments I receive, so if your comment doesn't appear within 36 hours of your posting it, these are a few possible reasons why.

1. It was irrelevant to the article posted.
2. It was rude or vulgar.
3. I was lazy and forgot all about it.

Please don't chicken out or second guess yourself. I would rather have odd comments than no comments!

Miss S.