Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Words, Nonsense, and Writing

Don't you hate being forced to write? When you are made to sit down at a desk with a blank computer screen in front of you and told to write, what are you supposed to do? Thankfully, this has never happened to me. (Didn't I fool you there?) I've made myself sit down at a desk with a blank computer screen in front of me and told myself to write, but nobody has ever actually forced me to. If words flow out of my fingers and onto the keyboard, then I write. However, if I simply stare at the screen until my eyes get fuzzy and my brain begins to shut down, I don't. Of course, I've never really had any real reason to write until now. Not that that has anything to do with being forced.

I can feel my eyes beginning to close.

Never mind!!! I'm awake!! What was I saying? Ah yes, I was saying nothing. Isn't that what usually happens? I can't write right now, my mind is too discombobulated. Maybe I can try again later.

Miss S.

Monday, April 28, 2008

'Let Them Do This...'

A thought on Hebrews 13:17:

‘Obey your leaders, and submit to them; for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.’

My thought is on ‘Let them do this with joy and not with grief’. I believe this is not merely letting them be joyous, but striving to help make them joyous. And likewise, not merely letting them be without grief, but endeavoring not to give them grief. For when we distress and irritate them, it puts them in a bad humor. And when they are in a bad humor it affects the way they watch over us. This in the end affects us in an ‘unprofitable’ way.

Miss S.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Again

Outside, our fruit trees are blooming. Isn’t it incredible how God can take a completely bare tree and make it bloom? It is quite interesting to watch a blossom day by day in the spring. It begins with a little bump on the wood. The bump then grows into a bud. The bud then separates, forming three or four buds. These buds then blossom into flowers. Once the flowers die and all that remains is the stem, it becomes even more fascinating. The stem then appears to grow. After a while you realize it isn’t a stem anymore, but an apple or a plum! Isn’t God’s work amazing?

Miss S.