Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kindred Spirit Award

I would very much like to thank Jasmine from Joyfully Home for presenting me with the Kindred Spirit award.

I would like to continue and present it to Sarah Kanz, Miss Jocelyn, and Christa Taylor. Your blogs have been a blessing and so encouraging to read!

Miss S.


  1. Thank you Miss S!

    I am so glad you find the blog helpful.

    -as ever,

  2. Awwww, why thank you! I'm so thrilled to find this. :) You're sweet! and I'm happy to be your kindred spirit!


  3. You're quite welcome to both of you!
    -Miss S.

  4. Wish I had seen this sooner, to send my blushing thanks while your post was still summery fresh. Better late than never?

    Thank you!

    SK: )

  5. Yes! It is better late than never...I'm glad you found it!
    -Miss S.


Feel free to leave a comment. I have chosen to moderate all comments I receive, so if your comment doesn't appear within 36 hours of your posting it, these are a few possible reasons why.

1. It was irrelevant to the article posted.
2. It was rude or vulgar.
3. I was lazy and forgot all about it.

Please don't chicken out or second guess yourself. I would rather have odd comments than no comments!

Miss S.