Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Poll Results

The results are in…Elizabeth Bennet wins first place with 16 votes, Elinor Dashwood is second with 10, Fanny Price is third with 5, Emma Woodhouse is fourth with 4, Marianne Dashwood and Anne Elliot were tied for fifth with 3 apiece, and dear Catherine Morland is last with a mere 2.

Miss S.


  1. In case anyone is wondering, I voted for Miss Elizabeth.
    -Miss S.

  2. I did too! She is my favorite because of her personality and her curly brown hair. :-)


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1. It was irrelevant to the article posted.
2. It was rude or vulgar.
3. I was lazy and forgot all about it.

Please don't chicken out or second guess yourself. I would rather have odd comments than no comments!

Miss S.