Monday, October 6, 2008

My Nephew!!!

Yay yay!! My nephew, Noah, was born today! He is 8 lbs. 8 oz., and 21 in. long. My first time being an aunt, and my parents' first time being grandparents! I am very very very very very happy! He's so cute!! I love him!

Miss S.


  1. Whoohoo! Our nephew is the most adorable baby ever! Don't you just love being an Auntie? I am greatly enjoying it, I must say! :-)

  2. CUTENESS ALERT! You should warn us before posting a picture like that (I'm still trying to catch my breath). Little Noah is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations, Auntie! You're in for the time of your life. :-)

  3. How exciting! Congratulations to your family!

  4. Aaaaaawwww how precious and simply adorable!


  5. Hello Miss S!!!!

    I thought you were a different friend of mine, and after a ton of confusing conversations I realized that you weren't!! ^_^ This is SO awesome; I've NEVER met another Torah Believer in Yahshua on a blog!!! I'm sooo excited!! ^_^

    I would love to e-mail you! Go to and click the "E-mail Me" link on the sidebar and send me an e-mail!

    May Yahshua Bless You Richly!
    Miss Toria

  6. Also, that's a WAY cute nephew you have there. ^_^ I remember when MY first nephew was born....I had to stay up until 3 in the morning in the waiting room!! lol

    Miss Toria


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Miss S.