Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An Update on Me

Do accept my fervent apologies for not posting anything for such a long time. I haven't been busy. I don't have an excuse. Time flies when you need to post. It's kind of like writing in your journal. You think of it, but you don't get around to it. The only difference is that nobody reads your journal, so you don't need to feel bad if you don't write in it for weeks or even months.

I have some questions for you, readers. I was thinking of posting weekly articles. You know, the same sort of article every week. For example, a recipe every week, or a poem every week, or a bible verse every week. How does that sound to you? Do you have any ideas? Is there anything you would like to see me write about? Post your ideas in the comment section, and I'll think about them.

Miss S.


  1. I would like to see recipes, scriptures, poems, book reviews, movie reviews, website reviews, updates on things you are doing or want to do, and any random thoughts that pass through your head. It all sounds good to me. Have fun!


  2. Knowing me, I would like to see you write sometimes about random stuff like places you go and foods you eat! Even if you've only been to the grocery store or had broccoli for lunch. But I know that anything you write will be interesting so I look forward to it all!


Feel free to leave a comment. I have chosen to moderate all comments I receive, so if your comment doesn't appear within 36 hours of your posting it, these are a few possible reasons why.

1. It was irrelevant to the article posted.
2. It was rude or vulgar.
3. I was lazy and forgot all about it.

Please don't chicken out or second guess yourself. I would rather have odd comments than no comments!

Miss S.